With Covid-19, humanity is facing a huge trauma, both social & economical, though its mortality rate is relatively low.

The scientific community has been warning us for decades on a growing threat much worse than Covid-19: bacterial epidemics

We should act now, while it is still time

Whatever the social and geographical demographics, an increasing number of people die from multi-drug resistant bacteria. 

As antimicrobial resistance is spreading, most antibiotics are losing efficiency. 

Without antibiotics, scientists say we could see a world very similar to the 1800s, when bacterial infections were routinely deadly; and reach 10,000,000 annual deaths by 2050.

(1) 2015, “Tackling drug-resistant infections globally : Final report and recommandations”, by econonist J O’Neill, commissioned by british Prime Minister J. Cameron.

Previously treatable infections (pneumonia, cholera, meningitis…) and routine surgery (hip replacement, cesarians…) will be potentially fatal.

And new infections that were unknown before have been on the rise for the past 30 years :

  • Lyme disease (tick borne)

  • New gastro-intestinal infections (Clostridium difficile)

  • New pulmonary infections (legionella)

  • New multi-drug resistant bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli…)

These increasingly resistant diseases require new solutions and new technologies.


BioFilm Technologies has invented a solution to tackle the propagation of antimicrobial resistance


By preventing biofilm formation.

Biofilms are slime-covered colonies formed by bacterias behind which they protect themselves from immune systems and antibiotics. While waiting for favorable conditions to reproduce, bacteria develop resistances in the biofilm.

By preventing the formation of biofilms, we can leave naked bacteria well exposed to our immune system or antibiotics, cutting off the way to antimicrobial resistance.

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BioFilm Technologies, co-founded by French PhD pharmacologist Thierry Bernardi, is developing disruptive antibiofilm diagnostics and anti-biofilm drugs that will prevent biofilm formation.

Antibiofilm diagnostics

With the anti-biofilm diagnostic test, doctors can identify existing drugs that have potential anti-biofilm effects on patients.

The anti-biofilm diagnostics are currently used in compassionate mode by leading hospitals in Europe, and will obtain CE Marking for Infected Wounds in 01/21, and for Respiratory Infections in 04/22.

Social Security reimbursement in France and Europe is targeted between Q1/23 and Q3/24.


Antibiofilm drugs

Our drugs will inhibit biofilm formation, making chronic infections disappear with little or no antibiotics. 3 molecules with very effective results are being developed as future blockbuster drugs.

Within 5 to 7 years, 25,000,000 patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer, 65,000 patients with Mucoviscidosis, and 1,000,000 with Joint and Bone infections will be cured and live normally again.

And this is just a beginning.

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BioFilm Technologies presents a unique opportunity to invest in a game-changing company that will revolutionize the world of bacterial infections and epidemics, the way penicillin did nearly one hundred years ago.

An investment that is highly profitable, not only for mankind, but also for you personally.



More info



A scope of questions and answers on our strategy and the investment opportunity.


Internal and public documents, news articles and videos about our company and anti-microbial resistance
